Report by Lorna Jamieson
An update
Here is an update of what I have been doing in the schools.
48 out 61 Borders schools accepted my invite to take part in the MISP which is being mainly funded by Cash for Kids at Radio Borders. Scotia Chiropractors is also helping to fund this.
I have set up a Community Interest Company CIC with Scotia Chiropractors to enhance our chances of receiving funding to deliver the programme in the Border Schools.
I am currently rolling the programme out in the Primary one classes, by delivering a 4 week taster session to the schools. This is happening throughout this academic year 2016/17. With future funding hopefully coming through the CIC, this will enable us to continue to invite schools to take part in the programme on a yearly basis, but delivering a 6-8 week block instead of just 4 weeks. I will always deliver to Primary one classes, with a review session for the Primary 2 class and it will then filter through the school year on year.
I have a unique scheme of work which I feel really works with the children. I have a 4 week lesson plans which I am delivering to all the schools. They all get delivered the same thing. I am using the Pizza/Weather/Planting the garden massage/Nursery Rhymes for the warm up of my session. Then I have classic story books (The Hungry Caterpillar/We're going on a Bear Hunt) which I read to the children and incorporate the MISP strokes into the story. The kids love it and I keeps them engaged in what they are doing. It is so lovely to see the children asking permission, saying thank you and also being so kind and gentle with each other.
I have been handing out feedback forms to the teachers/parents and children so I can evaluate the session. The feedback has been amazing and I'm only on my 3rd block of schools. A couple of schools have put up displays and others have done demonstrations to buddies/at assemblies. Lots of children reporting they are doing it at home with family members and teachers mentioning they have practiced in class between weekly sessions. I have attached a couple of pictures for you to see.
At Scotia Chiropractors we have been promoting World Spine Day (16/10/16).
I have been doing this through encouraging the children to sit up tall whilst giving and receiving massage. Also to become more active, by doing the massage standing up, to allow them to stretch and stand tall. All benefits which are essential to the wellbeing of a child. We are frequently using MISP to promote other Health and Well Being activities, which I think I are a great way to promote the programme itself. It helps to raise awareness of the Programme and what I am currently doing in the Schools.
Scotia are also in contention for an award at the Borders Business of Excellence Awards, which takes place on 11th November. I have promoted MISP within the business and have presented to the Borders Chamber of Commerce board members. I am always very passionate, speaking about MISP and what I do, so I am hoping I came across well and that It helps us to win the award in the Health Care and Wellbeing category. Watch this space!!
I am really enjoying delivering MISP in The Border Schools. I hope to keep developing the project and gain, a more substantial amount of funding so that myself and hopefully other instructors can continue to deliver it year upon year in our schools here in the Borders.
I am happy to come to other meetings to discuss what I am doing, to help other instructors. I would need to know in advance the dates though. Thanks
I hope you have enjoyed reading how things are going, and I will continue to stay passionate and focused to promote this amazing programme.