Dunlop Primary School

Parents join children for Massage.

Wonderful massage and great delivery from kids

MISP Comments from families...

  • Lovely to have massage from your grandkids.
  • Lovely to see all the kids faces, so proud sharing what they've learned and nice to be a part of it. Very chilled.
  • Wonderful massage and great delivery from kids.
  • Love the whole idea and course, so important! Great for bonding, thank you!
  • Very impressed with the session and the enthusiasm of the children, thank you!
  • The format is great for the children.
  • Very relaxing and very fun for both of us, thank you!
  • I had concerns about how much 'choice' the children really have about whether they want to take part or not but I feel very reassured and again it's lovely to experience, feel the calm atmosphere and hear about the science. Thank you!
  • Loved the session.
  • Very much enjoyed by both mum and child. Great initiative to have in schools.
  • Would be useful to have the cards shared. I will use at home.
  • Lots of fun and really special to be a part of, thank you!
  • Absolutely, fantastic session, will continue at home.
  • What a lovely activity to do and I will try this at home for bedtime routine. Thank you!
  • R has enjoyed putting her skills into action at home. I have loved being the recipient, thank you!

Additional Stats

  • 20 families were represented with a total of 19 evaluations collected.
  • 100% said that the format to deliver the course was effective and the content was relevant. 18 said they 'agreed strongly' with 1 person saying they 'agreed'.
  • 95% (18/19) said that they 'agreed strongly' at being able to transfer learning into practice at home. One person said that they had 'no opinion either way' (grandmother).

MISP Instructor Comments

  • Heart-warming to look around a packed room and see so many adults being able to join in the MISP routine with their children. It was lovely to see so many calm and relaxed faces when the adults were being taught the routine by their children.
  • The adults then got to try out the ‘Weather Massage’ and the children laughed and enjoyed the massage being returned by the adults. Nice family bonding time was experienced without the need for I.T.
  • There was so much love and happiness in the room and everyone left feeling really positive about themselves and the MISP. Was a wonderful experience for everyone and it reminded me as an instructor, why this programme is beneficial to the health and wellbeing of many!