2020 MISA Scotland AGM and Self-Care Workshop

Date: Saturday, 7th March
Venue: Jury’s Inn, 80 Jamaica Street, Glasgow, G1 4QG
Time: 10.30 – 12.30 AGM and get together
Self-Care Workshop: 1.30 – 3.30, Free CPD event

Our meetings are always informal but very informative! We’ll begin with a stroke review which will get the oxytocin flowing and activate our creative, focused minds for the rest of the day. We’ll have the official AGM business which won’t take long and then catch up on local, national and international MISP happenings. Dougie Mirfin, from East Ayrshire Support Team, will update us on the current MISP research being undertaken in the schools in his area and their future goals with the MISP. There will be time for everyone attending the meeting to share a bit about their own MISP experiences and intentions for the year.

The self-care workshop will be a very practical afternoon of sharing interesting tools to help us feel a sense of wellbeing in our everyday lives. It will include simple breathing and movement exercises, self-massage and shared massage.
You can come to one or both events. Please email Isabel to book your free place: isfraser@aol.com, 07746 956758